What kind of marriage do you want?
Watch the intro here.
Which of you takes out the trash? Washes dishes? Changes diapers? Talks about spiritual matters?
Managing your expectations in marriage is important at every stage. Whether you are single, married, or in a “situation-ship,” this worksheet is guaranteed to stir up beneficial conversation and help you trade in unrealistic expectations for real ones.
How to use the Marital Roles Worksheet from SYMBIS.
Mark an “X” under mom or dad to indicate which parent you saw PRIMARILY take on each role listed. Mark an “X” under both mom and dad if they shared the role equally.
Mark an “X” under me or you to indicate whether you DESIRE yourself (me) or your partner (you) to PRIMARILY take on each role listed. Mark an “X” under both me and you if you DESIRE both to share the role equally.
In your next couples counseling session, or at an agreed upon time, share your responses with your partner. Focus on listening to one another in an effort to understand where the other person is coming from. Take turns listening and talking. Flip a coin to determine whose turn it is to listen first, if necessary.
Complete the post-assessment discussion questions together. To minimize arguments, try writing down your answers to the last two questions before coming together again with your proposed solutions and ideas.
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